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light fast adj.耐光的〔尤指顏色〕。

light heavyweight

Blitzkrieg was named so because it included surprise attacks , “ lighting fast “ rapid advances into enemy territory , with coordinated massive air attacks , which struck and shocked the enemy as if it was struck by lightning 閃電戰之所以被如此命名因為它包括:突然襲擊,以閃電般的速度快速推進到敵人的領土,并配以大量的空中攻擊來協助,從而使受到打擊的敵人猶如被閃電擊中一般。

Dyestuff intermediate , mainly used to produce light fast blue rgl , reactive turquoise kgl , reactive flavine k - 4g and reactive brilliant orange lgn , etc 本品為染料中間體,主要用于制造直接耐曬藍rgl ,活性翠蘭kgl ,活性嫩黃k - 4g和活性艷橙lgn等。

The plant can then reach the light faster and photosynthesize and synthesize more chlorophyll 這種植物被置于光下后,可迅速的開始光合作用,合成大量葉綠素。